Teclado mecánico híbrido chip+magnético
SKU: AK-8820-U-SP
High Performance USB Keyboard with Magnetic Stripe Reader and
Smart Card Reader
AK-8820S Series
- Full 104/105 Keyboard Layout
- Splash Water Resistant Key Field
- Integrated 3-Track Magnetic Stripe Reader with 500.000 Swipe Cycles
- High Performance Smart Card Reader
- PC/SC and CCID compatible
- LED Indicator for Chipset
- Gemalto Chipset ID Bridge CR20
- USB Plug & Play 3 in 1 Interface
- Robust Design
Features and Benefits
The AK-8820S-U is a high performance, robust and highly reliable PC keyboard with integrated smart card reader and magnetic stripe reader.
It is designed for security, healthcare, financial and POS/POT applications.
The integrated smart card reader is also a good solution for access control, data encryption, digital signature and online transactions.
The Gemalto chipset stands out for utmost compatibility and reliability, referred to standard drivers and BIOS versions within common operating systems.
The data transmission from the magnetic stripe reader is processed through key stroke emulation (USB HID Keyboard codes) for easy integration with existing software.